Kit Digital


What is the Digital Toolkit?

The Digital Toolkit is a public financial assistance program aimed at implementing digital solutions within businesses to facilitate their growth through technology.

Funded by the Next Generation EU funds, the public aid for the digital toolkit aims to promote the digitization of Spanish business structures.

Companies and self-employed individuals with fewer than 50 employees can apply for these “digital vouchers,” ranging from €2,000 to 12,000€, to engage technological solutions and optimize their business through a digital agency.

With a budget of up to 3.067€ million, this initiative is included in the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan, the Spain Digital Agenda 2025, and the SME Digitalization Program 2021-2025.

The Digital Toolkit is part of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Program, Spain’s Digital Agenda 2025, and the SME Digitalization Plan 2021-2025 for small businesses, micro-enterprises, and self-employed individuals.

Beneficiaries of the scheme will receive financial assistance, or digital vouchers, to digitalize their businesses, with the amount of assistance varying according to the required digital solutions and the size of the company.

The regulatory framework of the call is divided into three segments:

1. The first segment includes Small businesses with 10 to 49 employees. The maximum amount is €12,000 depending on the chosen digital solution categories:

Website, online presence, and e-commerce: 2,000€

Social media management: 2,500€

Customer management, business intelligence, and analytics: 4,000€

Process management: 6,000€

Electronic invoicing: 2,000€

Virtual office per user: 250€

Secure communications and cybersecurity per user: 125€

Advanced internet presence and Marketplace: 2,000€

2. The next segment is the second, referred to as Microenterprises with 3 to 9 employees. The maximum amount is €6,000 depending on the chosen digital solution categories

Website, online presence, and e-commerce: 2,000€

Social media management and customer management: 2,000€

Business intelligence and analytics: 2,000€

Process management: 3,000€

Electronic invoicing: 2,000€

Virtual office per user: 250€

Secure communications and cybersecurity per user: 125€

Advanced internet presence and Marketplace: 2,000€

3. The third and final segment is Microenterprises, with 1 to 3 employees or self-employed individuals. The maximum amount is €2,000 depending on the chosen digital solution categories

Website, online presence, and e-commerce: 2,000€

Social media management and customer management: 2,000€

Business intelligence and analytics: 1,500€

Process management: 2,000€

Electronic invoicing: 1,000€

Virtual office per user: 250€

Secure communications and cybersecurity per user: 125€

Advanced internet presence and Marketplace: 2,000€


In all categories of digital solutions, the duration of the service provision will be 12 months, starting from October 20, 2022, at 11:00 AM, when small businesses with between 0 and fewer than 3 employe

To apply for the Digital Kit, it is necessary to meet a series of requirements regardless of the sector they belong to:

  • Be a small business, microenterprise, or self-employed
  • Not be considered a company in crisis
  • Be informed about the latest tax and social security obligations
  • Not be subject to pending recovery orders from the European Commission, declaring illegal and incompatible aid with the common market
  • Not incur any of the prohibitions outlined in Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, on general subsidies
  • Register with the Registry of Entrepreneurs, Professionals, and Employees of the Tax Agency (SAT) or in the equivalent registry of the Regional Tax Administration
  • Not exceed the minimum aid limit: all subsidies granted by EU countries are below €200,000
  • Digital maturity levels are assessed against diagnostic tests on the Accelera Pime platform
  • Tax residence must be in Spain

To obtain assistance and catalogs of digital solutions, it is also necessary to complete a diagnostic test to assess the company's digital maturity level. This way, subsidies can be granted according to the current digitalization needs.

The form consists of 13 questions related to the use of management tools such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Customer Relationship Management (CRM), electronic devices, digital marketing strategies, e-commerce, cybersecurity, investments in digital transformation, or digital payment gateways.

The test results will be calculated based on a numerical strength index. This will yield a "speedometer" of the level of digital transformation in general, broken down into different areas: strategy, organization, infrastructure and technology, cybersecurity, customer relationship, marketing, and support processes.

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